Our Products and Services
Live Oak Media offers more formats than you have ears for listening!
Digital Downloads
Our titles are available from Overdrive, Audible, Catalyst, Mackin and other distributors. Find out more.

Over 150 of our titles are available as eReadalongs from Lerner Publishing. An eReadalong is an ebook fully integrated with the high-quality audio production that Live Oak Media creates for every book we record. 
Readalongs (Books and CDs)
We continue to offer our new releases and all of our backlist titles in whatever format the books are available from the book publisher. Readalongs feature word-for-word recordings. Track one of the CD has unobtrusive page-turn signals (the sound of a page being turned) for readers who need direction; track two of the CD is unsignaled for more independent readers. These readalongs are packaged as follows:
1 paperback book/1 CD: $19.95 |
1 hardcover book/1 CD: $29.95 |
Audiobooks on CD
We continue to offer our unabridged audiobooks on CD Packaged in molded library cases, these multi-cd sets can be purchased with or without the paperback books. (See title listings for prices.)
CDs of Readalongs
Although we produce our audio of picture books and beginning readers to be listened to along with the book, we do offer the CD of these titles if you're looking to pair it with a book already in your collection. The CD format information is listed for each title offered.
Our Services
Reviews as Recommendations
Whenever possible throughout this site we have quoted professional audiovisual review media and supplied review recommendations for our titles. Where those reviews aren’t available we have provided descriptive copy.

All Live Oak Media readalongs are packaged in plastic hang-up bags; free replacement bags are available on request. Our audiobooks are packaged in molded library albums and can be purchased with or without the books.
Replacement CDs
Available for all of our titles for $6.95 each. Please order by phone (800.788.1121) or email.
We will replace, cancel the charge for, or issue a credit for any items with which you are not completely satisfied.
Warning Concerning Unauthorized Copying
All copyright laws strictly enforced. The materials described may not be reproduced in any form without written permission from Live Oak Media.